HALUZ price tracker

Lack of updates...
Sorry for lack of updates. I have a three months old baby at home and this project is suddenly very low priority. I have added Polish currency, removed Dolls and Dorks, as they seem to be bankrupt / down / disappeared from the face of Earth. Will add Celestial Solstice and Crystal Games eventually...

Canterlot Nights are here!
I have finally added latest expansion. Two stores (Ideal808 and GameCave) do not have it in stock and need to notify me when they finally have some. I have added two new stores (MLP Source and Dolls and Dorks) and rewritten parsing for ToyWiz. These changes might introduce some bugs, so please let me know if some card is misidentified as something else.
I'd also like to thank first three donors for their PayPal donation (button above)!

This price tracker scans prices of several online shops that are selling MLP singles. The scan happens every four hours. Its intended use is to give an idea of a card's current worth. This website is not selling nor buying any cards.
Its intended use is to evaluate trades between two people -- If I have 10 rares and you have 4 rares and an ultra rare, is this trade fair? I recommend to use the column "Fair price" but you are welcome to do whatever you want.

The price list is also available in different currencies: $ ¥ £ A$ Fr. C$

If you are a shop that sells singles and would like to be included, contact me on my email below. If you have been ripped off by a store and can give me some evidence of it, I am happy to remove that store from the list. If you are a shop and are interested in deep-linking to your inventory, email me. And last, if you are happy about this website, you can always link to it, or look at my want list at Tradecards Online (great website for trading multiple card games)

Send your comments to mlp@haluz.org